No H.S. Diploma? No Problem – HDMC announces ECPP for non-high school grads
High Desert Medical College is excited to announce that we are officially an eligible institution offering Eligible Career Pathway Programs (ECPP) for students who do not have a high school diploma or GED. We have partnered with Excel High School for all campus locations and we can enroll eligible non-High School graduates into our eligible programs.
Students who enroll using our Ability to Benefit (ATB) procedures may enroll in on of our eligible Career Pathway Programs (ECPP) and then students will have the opportunity to earn their high school diploma while being concurrently enrolled in an eligible ECPP program.
Eligible ECPP programs at HDMC are as follows:
Medical Administrative Assisting
If you want to find out more about enrolling in a program above and earning your high school diploma through ECPP, click here.